Following the first part of our series dedicated to the DigiteRRI project, which aimed to introduce the concept of RRI (Responsible Research Innovation) and illustrate it through three testimonies of actors involved in the Greater East Region:

A second interactive and participative workshop was organised on 16 December 2020.
Project description and Replay from 24 th september 2020 :
This second workshop led to the first exchanges to be initiated towards the co-construction of a vision of responsible digital transformation at the level of the Greater East region. Twenty actors from the territory, representing of the “quadruple helix” (companies, institutions, research and universities, training, civil society, etc.), brainstormed on the opportunities and threats that could represent digitalisation (and in particular by our companies) based on key values such as access to science and education, open data, ethic, gender equality or public commitment.

In addition to raising awareness of the impact of digitalisation and its repercussions for our region, these various contributions will ultimately make it possible to draw up a roadmap for the first half of 2021.
You too can support us in this process and join the community and help us build an ethical and sustainable digital strategy for our territory and thus define the objectives and an effective action plan. The next session will be communicated to you shortly.