Responsible Research and Innovation Approach for Transitioning the Traditional Industry Regions into Digitalised Industry Territories
DigiTeRRI has been developed to empower three traditional industry regions to harness the opportunities presented by digitalization.
The project co-creates a framework and roadmaps for a responsible transition to self-sustaining, digitalized industrial R&I ecosystems. It addresses the challenges in the interplay between business, academia, government and society ‒the quadruple helix ‒ to initiate openness, democratic accountability and responsiveness in a process that will in turn promote resilience within these new, digitalized R&I ecosystems.
An RRI approach in key issues such as gender equality, science education, open access, public Engagement, and ethics during the digitalization process will help to support both organisations and citizens in adapting to the transformation that is revolutionizing research, industry, the economy, and society.
The challenge is to ensure that their industries continue to be competitive on a global scale through innovation, the ability to create attractive jobs and new business opportunities as well as boosting the local infrastructure.
Facts in brief
Funding organization
January 2020 – December 2022
Funding amount
2 004 037.50 €
AIT Austrian Institute Of Technology
Project Coordinator

Marianne Hörlesberger
- AIT Austrian Institute Of Technology GmbH (AIT)
- Montanuniversitaet Leoben (MUL)
- Nordlandsforskning As (NRI)
- Wedo Project Intelligence Made Easy Sl (Wedo)
- Materalia (MAT)
- Zentrum Fur Angewandte Technologie Leoben Gmbh (ZAT)
- Paper Province (PP)
- Värmlands Läns Landsting (Värmland)
- Standort und Marketing Bruck an der Mur Gesmbh (Bruck)
- Karlstads Universitet (KAU)
- Grand E-nov (GEN)
- Universite De Lorraine (UI)
Released DigiTeRRI Project Outcomes
The DigiTeRRI project, framed in the EU Horizon2020 programme, engined three roadmaps for the responsible transition towards digitalised and self-sustainable industrial R&I ecosystems in the three European regions involved — Värmland (Sweeden), Styria (Austria),...
DigiTeRRI Final Conference Best Practices for Digitalisation Strategies in Regions
On Thursday, October 20th, and Friday 21st we held our final conference. The event aimed to give closure to our 3-year project in a 2-day event where we showed the project results and lessons learned from applying the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach...
DigiTeRRI questionnaire for young girls, a quiz to discover DigiTeRRI Did you know that the share of women in the digital sector is only 27%?And that in the EU only 34% of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...
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