Jun 4, 2021 | DigiTeRRI, Grand Est
workshop, April 2021 The European project DigiTeRRI of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation (R&I) programme aims to support the actors of the R&I ecosystem in the broadest sense, directly impacted by the digital transition, by integrating more responsible...
May 19, 2021 | DigiTeRRI, Uncategorized
The DigiTeRRI project is taking part in a Virtual Poster Session organised by NewHoRRIzon starting at 10am on Thursday 20 May. A H2020 project dedicated to further integrating RRI into research and innovation systems, NewHoRRIzon will host this special online...
Apr 6, 2021 | DigiTeRRI, Värmland
Värmland is collaborating with two other European regions within the framework of the EU project DigiTeRRI to support digital development. Two out of three workshops have been held and an action plan is starting to take shape. Around 50 representatives of companies,...
Feb 17, 2021 | DigiTeRRI, Styria
Im Vorfeld des Roadmap-Prozesses laden wir zu vier virtuellen Round Table Diskussionen, die sich dem Thema „Digitalisierung“ aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln nähern. Ziel dieser Runden soll es sein, sich ausgehend vom Status-quo über relevante Trends und...