Towards more diversity: Get digital by Google

On Thursday 28th January, a special day was held on “Towards more diversity: Get digital” animated and organised by Google Ateliers Numériques.

A moment of exchange, in order to highlight the paths, place and opportunities for young women in this sector.

How to increase the presence of young women in digital-related studies?

The digital sector is a sector of the future: every day or almost every day new computer languages, new technologies, new uses are born or developed. The applications born of digital technologies are multiplying and concern all sectors of activity. The opportunities are therefore varied and numerous (85% of the jobs of 2030 do not yet exist – TalentsduNumé Training and recruitment are therefore key issues accompanied by a challenge related to gender diversity.

Only 27.4% of women work in this sector and still too few young girls go into the digital, science and new technology sectors.

Google Ateliers Numériques wishes, through the testimonies of committed men and women, to return to the importance of helping young girls discover these new promising professions in order to guide them from their studies in the disciplines that open these doors, for greater performance and creativity in organisations. What are the challenges to be met? What are the initiatives and actions carried out in the territories?

▶️ Sequence that you can watch live but also replay.

The Google Digital Workshops program offers a range of free courses and training to help small and medium-sized enterprises develop their business and digital skills.

#Women #Digital #Opportunity #online training #WorkshopsGoogle

Greater East Region

Isabelle Kuhn-Schultz, Grand Enov+