This administrative region in Eastern France spans an area of 57,433 km² and has a population of 5.5 million inhabitants. Bordering Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland, it is a traditional industry area that superseded the former administrative regions of Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine. Industry represents 19.2% of the added value at regional level and includes materials (15% of national production), mechanics, textiles, chemicals and the agri-food sector. Auto giant PSA has three plants in the region.
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Cela se traduit par la mise en place de programmes de soutien à la transformation digitale et industrielle des acteurs économique tel que des appels à projets spécifiques (ex. AMI Numérique, Grand Est Compétitivité – ex AMI industrie du Futur) .
Le développement et le renforcement de la coopération transrégionale sur des sujets tels que l’Intelligence Artificielle (European Valley of AI), les matériaux et les procédés, la e-santé ou la transition énergétique sont également une priorité.
Grand Est au secteur du numérique (mise en place de nouvelles formation, soutien à l’innovation, soutien à l’investissement).
Significant activities and cluster connections
Le réseau des clusters et des pôles de compétitivités actifs bénéficie également du soutien des acteurs publics sur le thème de l’accroissement du rôle du numérique sur ces sujets.
Les pôles de compétitivité ont été créés en France en 2004. Ils sont constitués d’entreprises, de laboratoires de recherche et d’établissements de formation dans des domaines bien identifiés qui se concentrent sur des thèmes spécifiques et travaillent aux côtés des autorités nationales, régionales et locales.
Six sont aujourd’hui actifs en Région Grand Est :
- Materalia : dédié aux matériaux et procédés (Materalia) - Biovalley France : dédié à la santé et aux MedTech - Fibres-Energivie : dédié au bâtiment, l’éco-construction, matériaux - Hydreos : dédié aux marchés de l’eau - Pôle Véhicule du Futur (PVF) : dédié à la mobilité
Le Grand Est gère également un réseau de clusters régionaux axés sur le textile:
Pôle Textile Alsace
Et l’agroalimentaire (ARIA)
Higher Education
The Région Grand Est educates more than 206,000 students (8.1% of the French student population and 9.2% of French engineering students) at five universities: Strasbourg, Lorraine, Reims-Champagne-Ardenne, Haute-Alsace and Troyes as well as in Engineering Schools. National R&I organizations include INRIA (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology), CNRS (National Scientific Research Centre), INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and CEA (Atomic Energy Commission) through CEA Tech.
The Region’s objective, in terms of innovation, is to encourage an increase in the share of GDP devoted to research and development (R&D) in the Greater East, with a view to reaching the 3% threshold set by the European Union in the “Europe 2020” Strategy. There are 5 universities in the region:
– the University of Lorraine,
– the University of Strasbourg,
– the University of Reims-Champagne-Ardenne,
– the University of Haute-Alsace,
– the University of Technology of Troyes.
Each one has specificities associated with digital technology.
These five universities have a total of 141,697 students. The region will have 206,827 students in 2019, or 7.7% of the student population in France, and ranks 5th in the world in terms of student numbers.
Rank of French regions (excluding Île-de-France). In 2013, the region is 5th in terms of the number of researchers and teacher-researchers (5232 researchers in companies, i.e. 3.3% – 7th region).
In 2017, nearly 14,678 PhDs have been awarded in France (Ministry of Research). In 2013, the Grand Est region saw 1078 PhDs graduate. This ranks it 4th among French regions.
National R&I and digital-related organizations include INRIA (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology), CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission) through CEA Tech.
There are nearly 50 big schools in management, engineering, architecture, art and design. There are 27 engineering schools (taking into account the women’s polytechnic school), with engineering students representing 9.2% of the regional workforce.
For example, Ecole Simplon, a school of digital inclusion; Centrale Supelec, ESAD, ESC …
Despite an improvement between 1990 and 2014, inequalities in access to employment between women and men persist in the Far East.
The tertiarization of the economy and the increase in the level of qualification have favored female employment.
However, inactivity and part-time work are still much more common among women than among men, especially when they are mothers of young children or large families. The gender pay gap is also significant. Women have less access to management positions and are over-represented in low wage sectors.
To improve this situation, a legal framework makes it possible to improve these differences in a particular field of action. One example is article 61 of the law of August 4, 2014 on real equality between women and men, which requires local authorities and public inter-municipal cooperation establishments with their own tax system and more than 20,000 inhabitants to submit a report on the situation regarding equality between women and men prior to the debate on the draft budget.
Since January 1, 2017, the regions, resulting from the groupings, are obliged to present them prior to the debates on the draft budget.
Far from being a simple legal obligation, this report is therefore a snapshot at a given moment of the situation on gender equality in the Grand Est Region. Its objective is to show the progress made each year and to project the new actions to be carried out. The Grand Est Region is fully committed!
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Jean Jacques Bernardini
Head of European Affaires Department
Grand E-nov
Isabelle Kuhn
Deputy General Manager, Digital and Artificial Intelligence Support
Grand E-nov
Vincent Boly
National School of Engineering of Industrial Systems and Innovation
Université de Lorraine
Davy Monticolo
Ecole Nationale Supérieure en
Génie des Systèmes ndustriels
et de l’Innovation
Université de Lorraine
Mauricio Camargo Pardo
Ecole Nationale Supérieure en
Génie des Systèmes ndustriels
et de l’Innovation
Université de Lorraine