DigiTeRRI Styria Female Talk

Aim of the Event

Date 25.2.2022. 10:00 – 12 am CET

Online Zoom Meeting

In the course of the DigiTeRRI project (GaNB 873010), a roadmap for the transition of northern Styria to a “digitised area” was developed. During the development of the roadmap, where great emphasis was put on stakeholder involvement, it became apparent that the situation of women could be a crucial issue for territorial change and the socio-economic system. In the meantime, we have learned that women are more affected by digitalisation than men. The challenges for women are manifold, so one implementation activity of the DigiTeRRI project is dedicated to the needs of women in transition.

The planned event will feature presentations by:

– Empowerment of women in Styria, State Councillor Dr.in J. Bogner-Strauß.

– Gender-sensitive urban development as a tool for living equality, S. Reitbauer-Rieger, Officer for Gender Affairs Bruck Mur

– Digitalisation from a Gender Perspective: Risks and Opportunities, Mag. N. Bergmann, L&R Social Research Vienna, Projectlead “DigiTyps”.

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic “What does Northern Styria need to be attractive for women?”. All participants are invited to contribute their thoughts and inputs in the chat and in the open part of the panel discussion.

The aim of the panel discussion is to understand women’s needs and specific challenges and to gather as many perspectives as possible on the impact on women’s lives and careers in a digitalised area. The discussion will also highlight how the area can become an attractive living and working environment for women.