The acceleration of the digital transformation of companies and territories is a real societal challenge and is becoming essential for the competitiveness of companies and the attractiveness of the region.
But how can these challenges be reconciled with respect for the values and interests of citizens?
Companies, local authorities, associations, civil society, universities, schools, laboratories, research centres... we are all concerned by this transition.
The European project DigiTeRRI (RRI = Responsible Research Innovation) aims to support the digital transformation of socio-economic actors from the perspective of societal responsibility through the RRI approach, which emanates from the European Commission and is based on 5 key concepts: gender equality, scientific education, free access to data and knowledge, societal engagement and ethics.
The ambition of the project is to integrate RRI into the practices and strategies of the research and innovation ecosystem, which impacts all actors: entrepreneurs, citizens, researchers, trainers, teachers, students, employees, consultants, elected representatives, etc.
In concrete terms, a vision, a roadmap and an action plan will be deployed on a regional scale through the participation of actors from various backgrounds.
The first workshop allowed us to establish a vision and to become aware of the opportunities and threats that digitisation brings for our region. |